Some More Poems

Gabe Porter
2 min readDec 23, 2020


And now me

As writer

As poet

As comedian

As activist

As whiner

As friend

As loser

As ass

As scared

As I’ve ever been


so many disparate things

that making a list would

bore you and

bore into me

identity is so fickle

i don’t even want to try

but maybe i should

so i know what to put

on my resume

Aggressive Acknowledgement

Fuck you to the big guy

Fuck you to the small guy

Fuck you to everyone I guess

I’ll punch a hole in my

wall just to show people that

I am here I am here I am

Turn the gears watch

me swing my arms back

and forth and back and

Deep Seeded

tri colored flag

pole stuck in the

spinal cord of a

lonely man told

to kill men and

women and

children who

had his freedom

where was it?

in a box

in the jungle

covered in ivy

covered in sinew

forever gone and

forever lost

As Apple Pie

it all started with Bush

actually it all started with Reagan

actually it all started with Washington

slave teeth and cut down trees

are the most american things

i could think of


flashes of red and white and blue

hole punched into my

messy brain I got an

anaphylactic shock

face swelled

heart stopped

lost senses lost feelings

never quite the same

Pull out the needle!

Stab me!

Fix me!

help me

Lights All Askew

a tiny celestial dot spinnin’

til the points

turn into lines

turn into blurs

turn into blank

my bones will be

dust and my soul

will be vapor

but the dot still spins

til the blank wins out

shut your eyes

and see when it all will end

Gardening For Someone Else

stained hands never felt

as clean after

having spent all

eight hours standing

to help grow the largest

weed in the world

oh let me let me please

water the weed!

have its tendrils touch

nerves transmogrified

into the pissiest root

held steadfast in the

manure shit fields

defying winds and rain yet

root breaks bleeding dry

drift away hoping

someone called me off

so that my grave

wont get written up

